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Eating Ratatouile

Ryan McDonald

Updated: Nov 18, 2024

A Few highlights from Eating Ratatouille.  We had a lot of fun hosting our second online cooking class. Over just a few days, I created 5 recipes directly inspired by Disney Pixar's movie, Ratatouille. This was a fun experiment that taught us a lot about how to put on a dynamic virtual event. I was encouraged that over 80 people RSVP'd. Over the two sessions, we had over 15 family's join us to cook together online. Several families prepared it as a special mother's day activity.

Here are a few highlights from those who cooked along with us: "It was really fun to try new recipes and have someone coaching us through everything." "The feeling of accomplishment at making something so elegant." "I really enjoyed being able to cook as a virtual group. Having a physical person coaching you along in these new dishes was way more helpful than reading those crazy long food blogs that yo

u find online!" "Thanks again for hosting this online cooking class. It was out of my comfort zone and a bit hairy at times, but overall the girls and I worked as a team, persevered through, and enjoyed making and eating these dishes! We took turns serving the courses and explaining each dish to my husband, followed by good discussions on what we learned through this opportunity of cooking." 

It'’s been so meaningful watching the movie after creating the dishes.  You can tell that you went to A LOT of effort to put this together so THANK-YOU THANK-YOU! The dishes were manageable to do. We learned a lot. - The Reimer Family (above). You can view more pictures of our Ratatouille creations at Creating more Virtual Feasts where we can cook along in community will be a big part of the future of Theo's Feast as we continue to recalibrate our ministry in light of the threat of COVID-19. We have several exciting new virtual feasts that we will be announcing soon. The purpose of these Feasts and our new Theo's Feast Academy cooking school is to help you become a better cook and teach you how to use the unique recipes to inspire meaningful spiritual conversations with your family and friends.  Thank you so much for your faithful partnership with our ministry. Please let us know how we can be praying for you and your family.

The Theo's Feast Team



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