We are very excited to share that we have recently come to a publishing agreement with CRU Press with the goal of publishing a 300+ page, full color, hard bound, multi-media cook book in 2022!
The Holy Spirit’s whisper of “You are going to write a cook book for me” continues to echo in my heart since He initially inspired me with those words back in August of 2003.
I have to admit, I was very surprised and rather sceptical at the idea at first. I never considered myself as a cook, let alone a writer.
It’s been a long road with many challenges, however over the past few years I have developed 7 themed feasts, hosted over 2000 dinner guests, and created 70 + original recipes paired with spiritual illustrations.
Now, I am very excited to share that I have recently come to a publishing agreement with CRU Press.
Cru Press is the publisher for the International Ministry of CRU (Formerly Campus Crusade For Christ) They publish resources for our overall ministry out of Orlando.
They are very excited to publish and promote my book in 2022. Here are some encouraging words from Jason Weimer, the editor and director of Cru Press about Theo’s Feast:
“The shared meal is one of a scant few rituals that are universal to humanity. Regardless of civilization, time, or location, breaking bread around a table conveys a message of acceptance and friendship, an invitation into the life of another and an opportunity to connect and share in meaningful conversation. So the shared meal is an evangelism strategy with transcendent relevance. Into these spaces of hospitality Gary is giving a gift to the body of Christ: the opportunity to create gourmet experiences that open doors for meaningful conversation around the gospel and the things that matter most to the human heart.”
Over the next few months I will be focusing on refining my recipes, narratives and photos of my food to send to my editors with the goal of publishing it in 2022.
Thank you for your continued partnership as we pursue the vision that God has called me too.
Sincerely Gary Stevenson
